Monday, 25 March 2013

A response to an email equating rape and porn, and porn being about penises and power

Dear ‘Raped’ person who is disgusted that a local sex therapist is supporting the introduction of a porn channel of satellite TV, in spite of the fact she herself, was ‘raped’. 
Firstly, sex is not only something men do because they have penis-power issues. This is a neo-Marxist fallacy, sexist propaganda put out by the ultra-left and extreme feminists who want every woman to be able to claim victimhood by virtue of their sex, setting off an unending chain of entitlement and unearned privilege in the name of a morally bankrupt utopian ideal.  They politicise the personal in order to justify the demonization of the male species in favour of the sanctification of the female; both of which dehumanise the parties concerned; and move us closer and closer to totalitarianism; as is clearly illustrated by the current Stazi-style enforcement of the politically correct.  
Secondly, females use sex as currency, used to wield influence over, and manipulate men. Feminists (sexual trade unionists) use propaganda, intimidation & manipulation of state, legal & academic institutions to extend the reach, power and scope of this primary source of female power. They use language to redefine everything into an offense against the holy feminine sensibility (oxymoron intended). For example "rape” and “abuse" are turning into a meaningless buzzwords; cynical publicity weapons for attention-seekers and ‘hero/survivors'. It has become almost a twisted badge of honour in the so-called 'war-against-women', which elicits wide-eyed gasps and much panicked hand-wringing; some in sympathy or horror, some in rage or outrage, many from sheer exhaustion at being bombarded by messages that male sexuality is equal to rape-mentality and that all men are rapists. Using that same logic, it can be claimed that women (except prostitutes), using their sex to their social and financial advantage, can be labelled disingenuous fraudsters, child-hostage-taking, manipulative carnal terrorists; mobsters who should face legal sanction for the havoc they wreak in men’s and children’s lives. But men don’t go that route for three reasons:
1.       We are biologically hardwired to protect women. Our identities are tied in to being able to provide for and protect a family. We enjoy affirmation and emotional nourishment found in a healthy family environment. But this too is changing, as traditional society and the nuclear family unit is suffering the relentless forces of commodification, as well as the misguided social engineering experiments of the extreme left.  
2.       We realise that sex is not the most important issue in the world, and that the world doesn’t revolve around the manipulation of human genitals, forced or voluntary. We have design, art and technology, architecture and other endeavours as outlets for our creativity; and do not simply limit our creativity to our biological capacity to breed.
3.       The backlash against FEMINISM has started. In spite of the heartless, godless, relentless and merciless social and political thrashing men get from the popular media, the state and women they meet whose minds have been further addled by propaganda, we will never whip out the knives because it’s just not ‘sporting’. It’s just not proper, respectful, or appropriate. Even though, if we took the proverbial boxing gloves off, we would probably find ourselves in a much better position to counter rampant misandry.  
Thirdly, porn is one of the last refuges for disenfranchised men who are tired of having to sacrifice their values, friends, family and finances to the unrealistic demands of women; parasitic princesses with one mascara-plastered eye scanning for a service provider upgrade (‘new boyfriend’ or ’husband’, preferably someone else's’ i.e. broken in and probably, a little desperate). These women project their demons onto the male of the species; blaming their every failure and short-fall men/abuse/rape/patriarchy/insert oppressor’s credentials here______________; muddying the waters of society until the finally find themselves ‘abandoned’ with a  clutch of critters and nowhere to go because no-one will put up with them. And they still have the temerity to ask: “Where have all the real men gone?” ?????
Well…I offer this retort---:”Where have all the ‘real women’ gone?”
The answer: "Porno-land."
A great fantasy date is better than a real crap one.

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