Tuesday, 26 March 2013

CNN tells us how to go about "Raising a boy not to be a Rapist".

Read article here> "Raising a boy not to be a rapist".

This article is discriminatory against women, implying women are not as capable as men!!!!

Remember, a woman can do anything a man can do, and sometimes, even better.

Just look at the incidents of rape, sexual assault, substance abuse and other antisocial behavior among the lesbian community, detailed in this recent MCASA report(<<click here for rest of report):  

1 - "Lesbians report “physically or mentally coercive sex” more often than gay men. One study found that 31% of lesbians reported forced sexual encounters versus 12% of gay men. “The Gender of Sexuality: The Gender Lens,” P. Schwartz et al., 1998
2 - "Data collected by a California Coalition Against Sexual Assault report and San Francisco Women Against Rape found that 1 in 3 lesbians have been sexually assaulted by a woman, and 1 in 4 have experienced violence within a lesbian relationship.
“California Sexual Assault Report Outlines Alarming GLBT Statistics,” A. Lawlor, 2005.
3 - Young lesbian and bisexual females were four times more likely to have experienced their own peers “attempting to hurt them in a sexual way (i.e. attempted rape or rape),” than heterosexual girls.
“California Sexual Assault Report Outlines Alarming GLBT Statistics,” A. Lawlor, 2005

So, moms, have that chat with your girls now, see, lest they be unable to contain themselves and go on a rape spree, or be witness to one and not report it, therefore condoning it by being complicit in their silence.  
Talk to them now, before its too late!!!

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