In response to:-
You seem to think that 'teenagers' are simply responding to what they're told by some evil behind the scene malevolence, that they are helpless little robot rabbits in the headlights of the great machine of patriarchy. But have you considered that they are making the decision to do what feels good to them, spontaneously express their pride and joy in their developing bodies? It's not a political statement to put on a bikini and pose on a Facebook page with a 3 point pout. They are the agents of their own hormones, emotions and drives. They aren't activated by 'inappropriate' attention...what they do encourages attention, demands attention, and when it gets attention, why complain? Why turn it into some great slut-saga? Slutty behavior - bolshy, in your face, indecent, crass, aggressive and inappropriate behavior is nothing to celebrate and equating it with healthy teenage sexuality is dangerously misguided. The world of sex is fraught with risk, reward, ecstasy and agony. It brings us moments of peace, clarity and purest joy; as well as hours of angst and sometimes, deepest despair. Why treat it as a problem with some deeper darker root, some hidden history, some sinister significance or political back-story? Let the young folk be. They don't need our paranoia and insecurities souring the sticky sweet and sensuous soup that is Youth's unrestrained joie-de-vivre. They don't care about about the politics of sexuality. Give the youth affection and care, guidance and discipline. They need these yin/yang aspects of love in order to develop into well rounded, strong and tender souls. Teach them about the world as it is, not the world as you believe it to be, or as you're being told by the mass media machine, which is nothing more than a big dumb dog keeping us all up at night.
It is a sign of the times that adults spend a good part of their lives in a constant state of quivering introspection and squint-eyed hand-wringing that would make Gandhi look like a self-absorbed pot-smoker. The problem is really that the human body has become politicized, The LIBERAL Left, those self-proclaimed guardians against intolerance and discrimination, generate the dialectic and concomitant rules as they try to become the new moral arbiters of some fantasized homogeneous 'equal' society. They are trying to engineer the impossible, without acknowledging a single fundamental truth about humanity. It never changes. As the Judeo-Christian son of God is being torn off his cross, his house the church being maligned by a world of vicious malcontents with no other agenda than to watch something sacred destroyed, these acolytes of the new Moral Minority are just as quickly erecting their own monuments and signs in their respective patches of Golgotha. Why change the formula, when you can rename it and claim you discovered it?
You seem to think that 'teenagers' are simply responding to what they're told by some evil behind the scene malevolence, that they are helpless little robot rabbits in the headlights of the great machine of patriarchy. But have you considered that they are making the decision to do what feels good to them, spontaneously express their pride and joy in their developing bodies? It's not a political statement to put on a bikini and pose on a Facebook page with a 3 point pout. They are the agents of their own hormones, emotions and drives. They aren't activated by 'inappropriate' attention...what they do encourages attention, demands attention, and when it gets attention, why complain? Why turn it into some great slut-saga? Slutty behavior - bolshy, in your face, indecent, crass, aggressive and inappropriate behavior is nothing to celebrate and equating it with healthy teenage sexuality is dangerously misguided. The world of sex is fraught with risk, reward, ecstasy and agony. It brings us moments of peace, clarity and purest joy; as well as hours of angst and sometimes, deepest despair. Why treat it as a problem with some deeper darker root, some hidden history, some sinister significance or political back-story? Let the young folk be. They don't need our paranoia and insecurities souring the sticky sweet and sensuous soup that is Youth's unrestrained joie-de-vivre. They don't care about about the politics of sexuality. Give the youth affection and care, guidance and discipline. They need these yin/yang aspects of love in order to develop into well rounded, strong and tender souls. Teach them about the world as it is, not the world as you believe it to be, or as you're being told by the mass media machine, which is nothing more than a big dumb dog keeping us all up at night.
It is a sign of the times that adults spend a good part of their lives in a constant state of quivering introspection and squint-eyed hand-wringing that would make Gandhi look like a self-absorbed pot-smoker. The problem is really that the human body has become politicized, The LIBERAL Left, those self-proclaimed guardians against intolerance and discrimination, generate the dialectic and concomitant rules as they try to become the new moral arbiters of some fantasized homogeneous 'equal' society. They are trying to engineer the impossible, without acknowledging a single fundamental truth about humanity. It never changes. As the Judeo-Christian son of God is being torn off his cross, his house the church being maligned by a world of vicious malcontents with no other agenda than to watch something sacred destroyed, these acolytes of the new Moral Minority are just as quickly erecting their own monuments and signs in their respective patches of Golgotha. Why change the formula, when you can rename it and claim you discovered it?
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